This is the professional blog of
business author Bill Allen
I am a speaker, trainer, mentor, glass breaker, or virtual manager and I specialise in helping companies to improve the key aspects of their business that will help them develop to the next level with the ultimate aim of more profit with less stress.
I work with companies to improve them in four core areas – leadership, strategy, marketing, and sales. I have found that all four are linked and it is impossible to make a major difference if you are only treating a symptom. My skill is to know where the problem is to be found.
I offer four key services:
Glass Breaker
I am retained to look for the barriers to growth, a smooth operation, or profit and develop the strategy to break through the current issues that are holding back the business.
For companies who already have a plan I run anything from a single training day to a full programme in the core areas of Leadership, Sales, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Presentation Skills. I am also retained to develop the training programme, especially for those going for Investors in People.
Working with key members of the organisation to coach and develop their potential. It is not always a skill issue where training will suffice, mentoring get to the emotions and addresses the blockages to giving a peak performance.
I can give a key note address or facilitate a whole conference. With my years of experience I have great stories to tell in a humorous way but ensuring the message get across.
Virtual Sales Manager
Many companies are not big enough, at the present moment, to afford a full time sales manager, yet really need one. I act as their sales manager either in person or through the internet (so distance is no barrier) to build the sales until a full time sales manager can be taken on.